Do we really need feminism? (Part -1)
Classical Liberalism means that everyone should be equal, regardless of their race, colour, GENDER, nationality or any other such category.
Understood Classical Liberalism? Now, read the quote below.
Feminism means that everyone should be equal regardless of their GENDER.
Ugh! Wait wait wait… What? Feminism isn’t about equality. The concept of equality is much older than Feminism which means that Feminism wasn’t ever required. So what is it? Why does it still exists? Let us address this hot topic being on the already losing side - Against Feminism.
Started in the late 19th century, feminism wasn’t this rebellious back then. Women were really oppressed and in a need to be liberated. But now, the core values of feminism doesn’t revolve around equality but brutality. Women blame modern day men for the oppression they faced in the past and believe that men should be deprived of their rights now to even the things out. This idea itself is so immoral as you cannot hurt anyone innocent to justify fairness. Men are being targetted for their inherent qualities such as strength and risk-taking capability. Men are targeted for their masculinity which further triggers them to go against women. A real man never does injustice but a man who feels insecure is prone to pick vulnerable targets - who are females in many cases.
On the other hand, although feminists hate men, they want to be like them. This is because they feel that men enjoy more privileges which they want to a part of too. The effect of this is that we are having second-grade men transformed from first-grade women. Consider two people, one is a man and another is a woman. They have the same height and weight. Now when they attain the same training it is certain that a man will gain more strength and built, biologically. Women are born with natural qualities like emotional intelligence, caregiving, nurturing, rational thinkers and provides a foundation to the world. The world needs females as much as it needs males. But when the females tried to be aggressive, protective and strong like men, which they aren’t able to because of their predetermined nature, the world is ought to fall. A child doesn’t need a grade 1 father and a bit lower grade 2 father. She needs a father for protection and a mother to provide care. Modern families who are unable to provide a balance of it raise children who are insensitive, aggressive and overly competitive. We don’t need a world of rivals we need to live with harmony.
In the late 1970s, a cigarette was seen as a symbol of liberation. More and more women started to smoke. Posters were made depicting liberal women with a cigarette in hand. Then Feminists urged women to smoke and show how equal to men they are. World treated them equally and so did cancer. The movement only profited the tobacco companies and cancer hospitals. Just because you want to be like men, you shouldn’t just copy them. And why to be a man when you already have your identity as a woman. Feminity is the key to achieve it and I personally feel that it is much above our masculinity.
Another problem with feminists is that they don’t address real problems. You hardly find anyone talking about the rural women in India or the oppressed women of the Islamic world. There are much larger problems and challenges to be solved for the women than freeing the nipples or outcasting men. We don’t find anyone who talks about the issues related to men. In case we do, they are often neglected as if men should handle their problems themselves. Modern women are very much liberated and should stop playing the victim card to be on a profitable side.
Just because of a handful of feminists, women shouldn’t be seen as some who need sympathy and special care. Women are no lesser than men and by giving special reservations we ourselves make them feel inferior. The focus should be on those women who are still oppressed because of brutal practices not on those who are living in luxuries of the city. Feminists need to understand the fact that the world is sorry for the oppression they faced in the past and we are ready to work together. Men are now being progressive and children are being raised equally. Feed those minds with this female priority will only create inequality. The decision is up to you. Are you a feminist or a sexist or liberal.